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Movie archive

Land | USA 2021 | Drama | Robin Wright | 6
Robin Wright's directorial debut about Edee, a woman who retreats to a remote cabin after suffering a tragedy.

The Congress
IL/G/PL/L/F/B 2013 | Animation, Drama, Science Fiction | Ari Folman | 12
Adaptation of Stanislaw Lem's "The Futurological Congress"

Here | USA 2024 | Drama | Robert Zemeckis
A place on the map, a field, a house, a home – HERE uses its camera to document nothing less than the history of the US. The camera is bound to one location. The environment is in a constant state of change.

A Most Wanted Man
Deutschland/USA/Großbritannien 2014 | Thriller | Anton Corbijn | 12
Anton Corbijn's (CONTROL) adaptation of a thriller by John Le Carré takes place in contemporary Hamburg. Philip Seymour Hoffman in his last role plays the leader of a secret German spy unit who investigates a dubious Chechen refugee.

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman | USA 2017 | Adventure, Action, Fantasy | Patty Jenkins | 12
Amazionian princess Diana was trained to be a warrior. She lives in an isolated island paradise and only finds out about the devastating conflicts in the rest of the world from a pilot forced to land on the island.
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