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Cinema listings: no search hits

Movie archive: 6 search hits

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Movie archive

Death Trap: Eaten Alive

Death Trap: Eaten Alive | USA 1976 | Horror | Tobe Hooper | 18

Shot right after THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, EATEN ALIVE is about a guy who lives in a hellish swamp in a horror hotel who feeds people to his killer crocodile.


Lifeforce | GB 1985 | Literary Film Adaptations, Science Fiction | Tobe Hooper


Poltergeist | USA 1982 | Horror | Tobe Hooper | 16

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre | USA 1974 | Splatter | Tobe Hooper | 18

This classic horror film has been banned from German screens for decades. Now Leatherface is back from his exile to clandestine screenings, smuggled DVDs and torrent-downloads in a glorious, restored 4k-digital cinema print.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 | USA 1986 | Splatter | Tobe Hooper | 18

Tobe Hooper

USA | Horror | Tobe Hooper

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