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Movie archive: 5 search hits
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Movie archive
Men, Women & Children | USA 2014 | Drama, Comedy | Jason Reitman | 12
MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN, a mellow, floating ensemble piece, portrays several parents and teenagers and their ways of using, abusing, controling or exploring the internet.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters: Afterlife | USA 2021 | Action, Comedy | Jason Reitman | 12
Continuing events 30 years after GHOST BUSTERS, the third part sees the next generation face a supernatural threat to the world.
The Front Runner
The Front Runner | USA 2018 | Drama, Biography | Jason Reitman | oA
An adaptation of Matt Bais novel All Truth Is Out with a fantastic cast about the rise and fall of two-time US presidential candidate Gary Hart who stumbled due to his extramarital affair in the late 80s.
USA 2018 | Comedy | Jason Reitman | 12
Marlo‘s rich brother Craig treats her to a “night nanny“ while she‘s expecting her third child, the freewheeling, beaming student who always finds a way to gets by.
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