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Bali Kino

Neighbours' Cinema: KAMERDYNER (THE BUTLER)

In the “Neighbor‘s Cinema“ series, Bali Kino presents Polish films once a month. On October 12th at 18:00 they will screen KAMERDYNER (OV with engl. ST), a visually impressive, historical epic in which a Prussian family in the embattled border region between Germany, Poland, and Kashubia experience the end of feudalism and the world war century over four decades and try not to be torn apart again and again.

Neighbours' Cinema: KAMERDYNER (THE BUTLER)

Date: 12.10.2020
Time: 18:00
Language: Polish with English subtitles
Location: Bali Kino

Teltower Damm 33, 14169 Berlin
Phone: 030/811 46 78
S-Bahnhof Zehlendorf