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Cinema listings: no search hits

Movie archive: 11 search hits

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Movie archive

The Apartment

The Apartment | USA 1960 | Comedy | Billy Wilder | 16

The China Syndrome

The China Syndrome | USA 1978 | Politthriller | James Bridges | 12

The Fortune Cookie

The Fortune Cookie | USA 1966 | Comedy | Billy Wilder | 12

The Great Race

The Great Race | USA 1964 | Comedy | Blake Edwards

Three for the Show

Three for the Show | USA 1954 | Literary Film Adaptations, Musical | Henry C. Potter

Irma la Douce

Irma la Douce | USA 1963 | Comedy | Billy Wilder | 16

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot | USA 1959 | Comedy, Crime Drama, Romance Films | Billy Wilder | 16

Bell Book and Candle

Bell Book and Candle | USA 1958 | Comedy | Richard Quine | 12

The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple | USA 1967 | Comedy | Gene Saks | 12

Days of Wine and Roses

Days of Wine and Roses | USA 1962 | Melodram | Blake Edwards | 16


Missing | USA 1981 | Politfilm, Thriller | Constantin Costa-Gavras | 12

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