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Support Indiekino

Like all print magazines, INDIEKINO mostly subsists off of advertising – in our case they‘re usually ads for film releases – and they are currently very scarce, like everything else. Film distribution companies have either been affected by the crises themselves and barely have any money left for marketing or they can‘t commit before our editorial deadline because a lot of release dates change in the last minute these days. If you want to support us and help us survive the COVID-19 era, you can buy great things in our brand new Indiekino shop. You can also subscribe, or better yet, subscribe to our solidarity subscription. Another way to support us is sending us a small, monthly donation via the Steady platform, which you can quit at any time. www.indiekino-shop.de, https://steadyhq.com/de/indiekino

Support Indiekino

Date: 31.07.2020