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Streaming in Solidarity: Waterproof

Doc: Female Plumbers in Jordan

Rise and Shine film distribution have aligned themselves with Grandfilm‘s initiative and are giving a share of their streaming profits from their current documentary WATERPROOF to their partner cinemas. Aysha, Khawla, and Rehab are plumbers in Jordan, one of the driest countries in the world. They repair burst pipes, clean water tanks, and show housewives how to handle water responsibly. The NGO for female plumbers is successful, and the women have become close friends, but then Khawla has to go on trial due to a suspected corruption charge. The NGO‘s reputation suffers and so does the friendship between Aysha and Khawla…
Watch the film here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/waterproof

And these cinemas will profit: Augsburg Kino Thalia Lechflimmern Kino in Augsburg / Baden-Baden Moviac / Berlin Eva Lichtspiele / Berlin Filmrauschpalast Moabit / Bochum endstation.kino / Bremen CITY46 / Chemnitz Kino Metropol Chemnitz / Düsseldorf Metropol Kino Düsseldorf / Dresden Zentralkino (ehemals Kino im Dach) / Freiburg Kommunales Kino Freiburg / Hamburg Kino Lichtmeß / Hannover Kino am Raschplatz + Hochhaus / Kiel Kino in der Pumpe / Leipzig Cineding Leipzig / Münster Cinema & Kurbelkiste Münster / Potsdam Thalia-Potsdam / Regensburg Ostentor Kino / Rostock LiWu - Lichtspieltheater Wundervoll / Saarbrücken Kino
Kino 8 1/2 / Worms Kinowelt Worms / Gauting Breitwand Arthouse Kino