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Events, Festivals

Acud Kino

4th Go Mental Festival

The Go Mental! International Film Festival takes place for the fourth time in Acud Kino. The festival features films that showcase aspects of mental health and enable a de-stigmatizing and empathetic gaze on mental distress. Along with the selection of shorts, this edition will also show feature-length films for the first time. The festival also includes workshops about mental health as well as a performance by musician Teslator during the awards ceremony on Saturday evening.
15.-18.5., Acud Kino

4th Go Mental Festival

Date: 15.05.2024 to 18.05.2024
Location: Acud Kino

Veteranenstr. 21, 10119 Berlin
Phone: 030/44 35 94 98
U8, M1 Rosenthaler Platz, M8/12 Brunnenstraße/Invalidenstraße, S1/2 Nordbahnhof