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Asteroid City
USA 2023 | Comedy | Wes Anderson | 12
Like Richard Linklater in APOLLO 10 ½ Wes Andersons ASTEROID CITY explores a mythical Space Age that dreamt of a bright future very different from the present.

Bridge of Spies
Bridge of Spies | USA 2015 | Drama, Thriller | Steven Spielberg | 12
Lawyer James Donovan from Brooklyn is suddenly involved in world-politics when he gets a mission assignment from the CIA.

USA 2022 | Drama, Biography | Baz Luhrmann | 6
Baz Luhrmann isn‘t a storyteller, he‘s a showman. The actual protagonist of the film isn‘t Elvis, but rather Elvis‘ manager Colonel Tom Parker, one of the most hated villains in show business.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | USA 2011 | Drama | Stephen Daldry | 12
The Bonfire of the Vanities
The Bonfire of the Vanities | USA 1990 | Tragicomedy | Brian de Palma | 12

Here | USA 2024 | Drama | Robert Zemeckis
A place on the map, a field, a house, a home – HERE uses its camera to document nothing less than the history of the US. The camera is bound to one location. The environment is in a constant state of change.

A Man Called Otto
A Man Called Otto | USA 2022 | Comedy, Tragicomedy | Marc Forster
A pensioner who recently lost his wife constantly finds things interfering with his suicide attempt.
News of the World
News Of The World | USA 2020 | Western, Drama | Paul Greengrass | 12
Western drama about an aged Confederate soldier who has to return a young girl to her surviving family.

Saving Mr. Banks
USA 2013 | Biography, Drama, Comedy | John Lee Hancock | oA
A US film biography about John Lee Hancock.
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan | USA 1998 | Drama, War Film | Steven Spielberg | 16
Spielberg's World War II war film set in Normandy in 1944.

USA 2016 | Biography, Drama | Clint Eastwood | 12
Clint Eastwood tells the spectacular tale of the emergency landing of flight 1549 on the Hudson River from the perspective of down-to-earth pilot “Sully” Sullenberger played by Tom Hanks with calm integrity.

The Post
The Post | USA 2017 | Drama, Biography, Historical Film | Steven Spielberg | 6
Steven Spielberg‘s film about the publishing of the secret “Pentagon Papers“ in the Washington Post in 1971 is a passionate plea for an independent press that orients itself on facts, even when they don‘t align with one‘s own position.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood | USA 2019 | Biography, Drama | Marielle Heller
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