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Movie archive

Christopher Robin
USA 2018 | Comedy, Adventure, Family Film | Marc Forster | oA
A US comedy about Pooh the Bear by Marc Forster with Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell, and Chris O'Dowd.
Quantum Of Solace
Quantum of Solace | USA/GB 2008 | Action, Agentenfilm | Marc Forster | 12
After being betrayed by the woman he loved, 007 is more determined than ever to uncover the truth. His research leads him to the mysterious Dominic Greene.

A Man Called Otto
A Man Called Otto | USA 2022 | Comedy, Tragicomedy | Marc Forster
A pensioner who recently lost his wife constantly finds things interfering with his suicide attempt.

White Bird
USA 2023 | Youth Film, Historical Film, Comic book movie | Marc Forster
Spin-off of WONDER.
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