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Movie archive

Here | USA 2024 | Drama | Robert Zemeckis
A place on the map, a field, a house, a home – HERE uses its camera to document nothing less than the history of the US. The camera is bound to one location. The environment is in a constant state of change.

The Witches
The Witches | USA/Mexico 2020 | Fantasy, Adventure, Literary Film Adaptations | Robert Zemeckis
Adaptation of the fantasy novel by Roald Dahl, transposed to the USA.

Muppets Most Wanted
USA 2014 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Puppentrick | James Bobin | oA
Tour manager Dominic Badguy conspires with the Russian frog Constantine to steal the Crown Jewels. The real Kermit is kidnapped and a look-alike with a facial mole takes his place. Constantine and Badguy use the unsuspecting Muppets and their ...

Wonder | USA 2017 | Drama | Stephen Chbosky | oA
10 year old Auggie prefers to wear his astronaut helmet so that no one can see that his face is deformed from birth. But now he has to go to a normal school and learn to stand up to bullies and find friends.
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