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Movie archive

Black Panther
USA 2018 | Action, Comic book movie, Science Fiction | Ryan Coogler | 12
A US comic book adaptation.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
USA 2022 | Action, Science Fiction, Comic book movie | Ryan Coogler | 12
Following the death of King T'challa and the loss of the heartshaped herb, the nation of Wakanda has to find ways to deal with envious nations and a new terrifying enemy.

Mission: Impossible – Fallout
USA 2018 | Action, Thriller, Crime Drama, Agentenfilm | Christopher McQuarrie | 12
A MISSION IMPOSSIBLE starring daredevil Tom Cruise.

USA 2021 | Documentary, Porträt, Music Films | Daniel Lindsay, T.J. Martin
The restrained, affectionate documentary TINA tells the story of Tina Turner from her early success, to the abuse she suffered at the hands of Ike Turner, up until her comeback.
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