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Movie archive

Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame | USA 2019 | Action, Science Fiction, Comic book movie | Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
How will what is left of our heroes defeat Thanos and reverse the damage he caused during INFINITY WAR. And will all be as it was afterwards?

Here | USA 2024 | Drama | Robert Zemeckis
A place on the map, a field, a house, a home – HERE uses its camera to document nothing less than the history of the US. The camera is bound to one location. The environment is in a constant state of change.

The Witches
The Witches | USA/Mexico 2020 | Fantasy, Adventure, Literary Film Adaptations | Robert Zemeckis
Adaptation of the fantasy novel by Roald Dahl, transposed to the USA.

Ready Player One
USA 2018 | Science Fiction, Action | Steven Spielberg | 12
A scifi adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg.
Super Mario Bros.
USA/Großbritannien 1993 | Adventure, Fantasy | Rocky Morton, Annabel Jankel
Famously terrible live action adaptation of the Nintendo videogame

Welcome to Marwen
Welcome to Marwen | USA 2018 | Drama, Biography | Robert Zemeckis | 12
Based on the true-life story of Mark Hogancamp. WELCOME TO MARWEN describes how an artist recovered from a traumatic assault by projecting his anxieties and dreams into a world of dolls and models.
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